
  • Online / Offline Examination System

MSDE has implemented Online Examination System for the Academic Year 2018-2020 and 2019-2020 for NCVT trainees. Similarly DSDE is also in a process to implement the same for SCVT exam from the year 2021-22 and 2021-2023. Once the same is finalized, the detailed ‘Online Examination’ procedure will be informed to the Government / Private ITIs, accordingly.

Note: In case the ‘Online Examination’ mode is implemented by the State, it shall replace the existing mode of conducting the ITI Examinations i.e. OMR Based

  • Annual Exams

Annual exams would be conducted for the trainees under the aegis of NCVT/SCVT for all CTS trades admitted from the Session Year 2021 onwards and their annual exam would be conducted at the end of the same Sessional Year or as declared in due course after completing the training as per syllabus first year. Similarly, second annual exam would be conducted at the end of that Sessional Year or as declared in due course after completing the training as per syllabus of second year. Trainees of two years duration trades will attempt 02 annual exams. Trainees may be allowed to appear in AITT for total 04 attempts, i.e. 01 attempt as Regular and 03 additional attempts as supplementary to pass the AITT. Supplementary exam will be held every 6 months or even 3 months. If a trainee does not appear in any one or none of the 1+3 additional attempts as supplementary, the trainee will lose that attempt and registration will expire. The registration of trainee will expire after 1+3 additional attempts as supplementary or completion of period of one and half year (1½)after training, whichever is earlier. If a trainee does not successfully pass the AITT in this period, the name of the trainee will be struck-off from portal. For CTS, candidate may apply as a private candidate, after 03 years industrial experience to appear in AITT or may again seek fresh entry as regular.

The All India Trade Test (AITT) examination pattern shall be followed for the trades under SCVT.AII the examinations would be conducted as per the norms applicable that may be revised from time-to-time.

  • Internal Exams

Internal monthly exams would be conducted for Annual Pattern for trades under CTS. Marks scored in above exams would be considered as Formative Assessment marks.